Platform Building
Brands Joined
Accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy
Crush Adidas. This was their BHAG in the 1960s.
Become the third place for people to gather, after work and home.
Connect every individual in the world.
Connect every individual in the world.
Enable humans to live on other planets. Elon Musk's goal with SpaceX is to eventually colonise Mars to make life multi-planetary.
Holler is a successful female-run marketing page that encourages coaches , creators and business owners to increase their online influence, on instagram and beyond. with a special focus on women in business.
one year from now, i will have grown holler to over 150,000 followers, run the 6-week mentorship successfully a further 3 times, streamlined my work-flow and offer systems, doubled the content academy membership, and increased my monthly average income by 3x.